IND Empire
Operating system can be classified in number of ways:-
Based on the interfaces OSs are classified as GUI and CUI.
GUI: Graphical user interface systems.
CUI: Character user interface systems.
Graphical user interface :-
GUI systems are user-friendly, it contains icons, images.
These are easy to understand.
1. Windows ,Macintosh and Linux.
Character user interface :-
CUI Systems are very difficult to learning and understanding ,because it contains set of commands and codes. So some difficult.
Operating systems are classified as single user or multiple user operating systems based on no of users it support simultaneously.
Single user systems are classified as:-
1. single User- single task.
2. single User - Multiple task.
:Single user - single task systems are designed for one user can effectively perform single task at a time.
:This single user - Multi task systems allows user to perform several tasks and operations at a time.